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2. Property details
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Exclusive Worldwide Sp. z o.o. with its registered office at ul. Krawiecka 6/4, 50-148 Wrocław, is the controller of your personal data provided in the form above. Your data will be processed to verify the property you are adding as well as to take all necessary actions which may result in establishing cooperation with you.

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You have the right to withdraw your consent at any time by writing to us at mydata@exclusiveworld.com

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© Exclusive World 2020
Make an enquiry Call us +48 515 508 816

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Contact us
Ask us any question you might have and we will be happy to contact you with an answer.
Make an enquiry
If you already know the details of your relocation, send us an inquiry for long-term accommodation, thanks to which we will immediately prepare an offer tailored to your needs.